
Fujifilm wanted to create a multi-channel campaign to promote their new Jet Press 720S.
The Jet Press is a large commercial inkjet printer, that Fujifilm wanted to position as a viable alternative to traditional offset printing. The overarching narrative to achieve this would be:

We imagined the technology and made it happen.
They imagined the possibilities and the Jet Press exceeded expectations.
Imagine what a Jet Press could do for your business.

The campaigns aim was to start a conversation between commercial printers and Fujifilm,
and how Jet Press technology could expand and improve their businesses.


Deliver a creative route unlike anything Fujifilm had used before for their print products in the UK. The tone of the imagery would lean heavily on the imagination aspect of the proposition, and ask the audience to imagine the possibilities with the product featured in dreamy, fantastical landscape far away from a printers warehouse.

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